Unkown...Despair...a Lost
Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:08 p.m.
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Jealous (Single)
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44 KB
Kaoru: I'm pretty sure everything is near perfect. He
uses a whammy bar on his solo parts during lives to
jazz it up so if you have one you can mess around with
Die: For some reason I can't get the solo into GP right,
so it sounds off. It's not hard though, so if you listen to
it you figure out exactly what's played. The notes are
all there, I just can't get the timings right. Also I don't
know if he's playing chords single notes during the
chorus, and depending on the amount of distortion you
have, both sound right.
Toshiya: Straight forward bass line, nothing special.
Shinya: I'm no drummer, so I'm can't speak for the
accuracy of his part. Besides, who uses tabs to learn
drum parts?